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Why would this be faster or more space-efficient than a good hash table?

Depends on the implementation. Some algorithms[1] have a load factor no more than 0.80 before insert/lookup performance starts to degrade significantly. Others, like the algorithm used in Rust[2], can achieve load factors in excess of 0.98 without breaking a sweat.

[1] http://netjs.blogspot.com.au/2015/05/how-hashmap-internally-...

[2] - http://codecapsule.com/2013/11/17/robin-hood-hashing-backwar...

That's why I said "good hash table". Even a simple open-addressing hash table with quadratic probing can easily go to load factor 0.8 with reasonable performance. With cuckoo-hashing you can get much higher and still guarantee worst-case constant-time lookups and amortized constant-time insertions.

The page dosen't say words like "faster than a hash table".

The hash table has time complexity O(1) on get/set operations. And this tree has a constant-level time complexity, and should be a bit slower than hash table.

Besides the redundancy of the golang array auto-expanding, this tree is more space-efficient than a hash table, If you implement it in C without the auto-expanding feature, the space utilization can be better.

What do you mean by constant-level time complexity? That the number of levels is constant? That's just because you bound the total number of keys to 2^32. With that constraint, anything is constant-time, even linear search.

This is basically a trie built on the chinese-reminder decompositions of the keys. I'm not an expert in Go, but I'm sure you can use fixed-size arrays, and thus implement any open-addressing hash table with no space overhead.

Hmm.. The 2 * 3 ... 29 can be larger, if we want a larger tree.

Comment 1: O(2 * 3 ... 29) is indeed constant level, but we don't like it. The put/get/delete operations on this tree are all constant level, but at most Sum(lg2~lg29) checks.

Comment 2: Yes, we can use fixed-size arrays and build an open-addressing hash table with no space overhead (load factor is 1), this makes 100% table space utilization, but any insertions would cause table to resize, which is an O(N) copy (where N is the table size). However, insertions on a tree node can be done locally, without moving the whole tree.

> Hmm.. The 2 * 3 ... 29 can be larger, if we want a larger tree.

I think you need a refresher on asymptotic analysis :)

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