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You are mistaken.

On climate change: from what I understand of the subject, there is only one body of research -- three sets of "cross-pollinated" research of which the CRU was one

False. There is data from weather stations, tree rings, ice cores and others.

Again from what I understand, all three of these sets do not have the raw data available.

Again, false. http://www.realclimate.org/index.php/data-sources/ See the "Raw" section for unadjusted results. I highly doubt you are qualified to adjust them, though.

I can also say more confidently that none of these people have theories with operant mechanisms that explain the Medieval Warm Period or the cooling cycles towards the end of the Roman Empire and during the Little Ice Age -- nor do they seem to be in a hurry to discover the operant mechanisms behind these changes to world climate.

From the IPCC: "current evidence does not support globally synchronous periods of anomalous cold or warmth over this time frame, and the conventional terms of 'Little Ice Age' and 'Medieval Warm Period' appear to have limited utility in describing trends in hemispheric or global mean temperature changes in past centuries."

Also, recent publications seem to suggest "little to no effect" from the sun: http://www.realclimate.org/index.php/archives/category/clima...

I can also say confidently that you should stop getting your information from random people on the internet.

Unfortunately, I'm not a specialist in the subject -- I have an interest in it, but also an interest in everything from artificial intelligence to Indo-European linguistics -- so I will reluctantly say that I'm out of my league here; but I advise that you look into the field more widely, and not confine yourself to RealClimate.org -- which has long struck me as on the same level of sincere inquiry as the kinds of people who deny the reality of the Sun Streak project or the plausibility of plasma cosmology. (Make of that what you will, of course; you may be proud to be a member of that group...)

Edit: One thing I can say is that the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age did occur world-wide; following Fernand Braudel's _The Structures of Everyday Life_ and the _Annales Histoire_ school of economic historians in general, the same climate phenomena were encountered in both Europe and China, which are by no means part of the same sub-planetary climate spheres.

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