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Great set of slides - I wish I could have heard the talk live. I did add his company's blog to my RSS/Atom feed.

I would like to spend more time with both Clojure and AppEngine and the slides were some motivation. I am still a little skeptical however that Clojure base web apps will ever have the traction of Rails (I had a 5 hour sprint today to add two major features to a customer's rails web app: would have taken a long time to do with server side Java; I would guess that Clojure would split the difference).

I've bought 3 Clojure books, and I would by a 4th if the author of these slides would write a web app specific Clojure book.

I have to say that languages that favor immutable data structures and functional style are great for web dev. From what I've done in Clojure/Compojure compared to my experience in Rails, it's great not having a billion implicit magical parameters to each function (aka instance methods and magic instance/class methods that may not exist or be documented). You can really fit a lot of a functional web app in your head. Rails just spills all over the place and you slip on it and end up with stitches.

Thanks, that sounds right. That said, I have 3+ years invested in Rails, so it is difficult to make a commitment to another stack. I am doing a small (non web app) project with Clojure right now, which is fun and educational.

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