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I really just want more RAM for the money. It's a sad day when my Mediatemple VPS (3 GB) is more cost effective than Slicehost.

No offence, MediaTemple sucks. They can be more cost effective but their uptime and performance is absolutely horrible. I almost lost a big client because of their constant outage and performance issues. I learned my lesson and moved out.

The only thing I can't comment on is their Dedicated server services because I haven't used it. But honestly, there are better DS out there with almost half of MT's price with same configuration.

Are you talking about the GS? I had a lot of trouble with it when I tried it, but decided to try the DV before giving up on them. It's been a world of difference - it's been rock solid, fast, and seemingly invariate in performance.

The prices listed for the DVs might seem high, but they've been good about bumping up RAM allocation for free. The amount listed isn't the amount you actually get, and with the free extra, it's more cost effective than Slicehost, as well as Linode (at least at the 3 GB pricepoint).

Agreed, their DS is way overpriced.

I have used both DV and GS. DV for clients and GS for personal use. Both horrible.

For dedicated servers I used hostgator. It was good, but they can't match the price of Slicehost/Linode VPS price (last time I checked).

To be honest, unless you are running a HUGE project (a la digg/reddit/twitter), slicehost/Linode type VPS are more than enough. You can start small and slowly scale as you get bigger. Their largest VPS will meet the needs of most medium sized web business out there.

I second this. I am moving off of their $150/month Rage DV to a couple of linodes. I started with a $50/month Base DV, then quickly upgraded as I started hitting memory limits, and finally went to Rage when I was having I/O thrashing issues (even during my site's "off hours"...). That didn't help at all. Since the next step up at MT is a $750/month Nitro, I was left with two more palatable choices: add another DV, or jump hosts.

I'll make an update when I finish the transfer to linode and figure out exactly what sized linodes I end up needing. I'll also let people know if this was simply my fault (bad coding).

Hm, maybe I just got lucky with the server my DV is on (or maybe you were unlucky). Regardless, I think they really need to get their GS act together, though... it was by far the worst hosting experience I've ever had.

But my original point was that it's sad that my MediaTemple DV is a better value than Slicehost now... MT is not exactly a value host.

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