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This seems more like a limitation of the language implementation than a program bug to me.

If the behavior is according to the language spec, it's not an implementation thing. Perhaps you meant language spec instead of implementation, but even in that case it seems like a poor idea to require all arithmetic to be arbitrary-precision, no?

You're right on both counts, and it is indeed a poor idea unless we can figure out a way to efficiently implement arbitrary precision arithmetic in hardware. I was just quibbling that the implementation of the binary search wasn't strictly wrong. :)

Having said that, I do think that such pitfalls might be easily avoided if a check for the values being operated on were built into the language implementation. That way, we can all write simpler code without having to take into account the min/max values for types specific to the language.

It would be nice, but the overhead would likely be unacceptable, since most code is dominated by integer arithmetic of one form or another. There was a StackOverflow question here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/199333/best-way-to-detect... that has some good suggestions. As for hardware support, many (but not all) architectures have some support for trapping or jumping to a specified address on integer overflow. The problem is compiler support. It has been a long time since a mainstream compiler for a mainstream architecture has supported it. GCC still has a -ftrapv flag, but it appears not to work anymore.

There's a cool paper on a static analysis tool to detect possible overflows here: http://www.isoc.org/isoc/conferences/ndss/09/pdf/17.pdf They used it to find real bugs in open source projects.

This seems more like an artifact of 1970s programming to me; the fact that allegedly-modern languages still offer numeric types which differ only by the range of numbers they can represent is just plain nasty, and makes me happy that I use a language which doesn't make me worry about this when I want to work with numeric types.

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