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Spacecraft Fire Experiment I (nasa.gov)
69 points by ourmandave on March 17, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

I had to google around to find this out, but looks like this will be performed in the Cygnus craft that results from Orbital ATK's flight Cygnus CRS OA-6 which is expected to launch on March 22 (PDT, it's the 23rd UTC).

There is a Galactica '78 episode about a massive fire in space :) . It isn't scientifically accurate, though.


I would have thought that this could be modelled accurately in computer simulations and tested in far smaller scale.

Models are only as good as the assumptions that underpin them. Real life tends to do surprising things.

Fire is really hard to model accurately.

PS: It also looks cool, so IMO people would be messing with it even if they could model it well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zdD7lfB0Fs


No One has ever tested how fires bigger than matches behave in space.

Since it would be stupid to make a big fire in the space station, the inside of a cargo spaceship will be rigged with a dozen materials to light on fire before the cargo ship burns up entering the atmosphere.

Actually, a rectangular card of significant size inside the experiment module will only be set on fire, not the entire cargo. http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experimen...

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