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Apple is in many countries, with governments who'd all like this kind of access. If you give FBI the tools, you also have to accept Russia, China and the whole gang having access to your phone.

Well that is up to Apple, they don't have to make one phone. They could make a US version and a rest of the world version.

And then build that fence all along the border so that no world-version phones get in (see how well it worked for other illegal imports). Plus, you haven't solved the problem at all: you just say "okay, let's make only US phones vulnerable to foreign hacking." Should I enumerate why that's a bad thing?

And if the FBI wanted to open a rest of the world version? Or another government wanted to open a US version?

> Or another government wanted to open a US version?

There's a good point. And who knows what limits they'd go to, to force Apple's hand? (Kidnapping, etc.)

Apple is really only safe if they actually can't break their own encryption. Anything less makes them a target.

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