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Pi is too small. We should just move to Tau and make things easier.

There are good reasons to stay with π:

| http://thepimanifesto.com/

There are also good reasons to switch to Tau (τ=2π):

| https://tauday.com/tau-manifesto

But then, there is also Radical Tauism, proposing to switch to √(2π):

| https://cp4space.wordpress.com/2013/02/28/radical-tauism/

And of course there is the famous XKCD compromise on that matter:

| https://xkcd.com/1292/

Tau is too large. We should settle on Pi * 1.5 (or Tau / 1.5), thus making life ... interesting for both Pi lovers and Tau lovers.

I object to your use of the arithmetic mean. We should actually settle on Pi * sqrt(2)

Yes, that idea is even better! =D

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