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I'd like to build an Apple II from scratch, I think I would learn a lot from it. Do you guys know if it is possible? Are there any "blueprints" or guides to do it? Are the parts still around?

You can build an Apple I from a kit: http://www.brielcomputers.com/replica1.html

Not at all the same thing.

I just looked up a 6502 CPU at Jameco.com for $5.95 and I know they are available on the surplus market even cheaper. Buying from surplus dealers you should be able to find everything you need. My WAG is that you could probably build an Apple ][ for about $50 - $100 without a keyboard (I haven't priced a scan keyboard in years, but you can build one from discrete pushbuttons if you needed to). I don't know if you can find source code for the ROMs though.

Google/check library for a cheap 1980's "Introduction to microprocessors" type book and find the Apple schematics online somewhere. It's a learning experience, but not particularly difficult once you get started. You can get some basic CPU/ROM/RAM/blinkenlights handwired and running a basic POST in a weekend if you already know 6502 assembly. A week if you don't!

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