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I use keyboard as much as possible but find for things like flash one needs to click.

Would you mind sharing your xinit snippit to set cursor location?

BTW my browsing experience with keyboard only is made largely painless by chrome with vimium. You can also select and yank text with this.

Why might someone need flash? (That was literally the last thing i was expecting in a discussion on HN about why someone might need a mouse!)

Some sites only use Flash like Crunchyroll or Quia for DRM purposes (and lack of technical chops)

On Lubuntu: When I get stuck on Flash I use the following script bound to a key (Ctrl+shift+l in my case):


  # Activate Firefox window
  wmctrl -a "Mozilla Firefox"

  # Move cursor to specified position
  xdotool mousemove 250 50

  # Send a mouse click (left click)
  xdotool click --repeat 2 1

Checkout keynav, from the same author of xdotool, Jordan Sissel, pretty cool dude.

not the OP, but xdotool mousemove x y should work

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