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That's not really a problem. Given a large enough dataset you want to generalize from it - there are always states not present in the dataset - the whole point is now to extract features out of your dataset to allow generalization on unseen states. Seeing all of the Go games isn't possible.

The compounding errors problem that stems from decision bias isn't because you haven't seen the trajectory, it is because the model isn't trained jointly.

We're talking about the same thing. You just aren't familiar with the difference present between joint learning discriminative models and local decision classifiers (Markov entropy model vs conditional random fields - or recursive CNNs trained on joint loss over the sequence or recursive CNNs trained to minimize the loss of all local decisions).

In the case of Go, one would try to minimize the loss over the whole game of Go, or over the local decisions made during the game of Go. The latter will result in decision bias - that will lead to compounding errors. The joint learning has a guarantee that the compounding error has a globally sound bound. (proofs are information theory based and put mathematical guarantees on discriminative models applied to sequence labelling (or sequence decision making))


Checkout the lecture below, around the 16 minute mark it has a Super Mario example and describes exactly the problem you mentioned. The presenter is one of leading figures in joint learning.


It is completely supervised learning problem. But, look at reinforcement learning as a process that has to have a step of generating a meaningful game from which a model can learn. After you have generated bazillion of meaningful games you can discard the reinforcement and just learn. You now try to get as close to the global "optimal" policy as you can, instead of trying to go from an idiot player to a master.

Of course, the data will have flaws if your intermediate model plays with a decision bias. So, instead of training the intermediate to have a bias, train it without :D

Yes, Hal Daume is referring to the issue I brought up. I'm not interpreting his comments as referring to issues with training the model jointly - he's referring to exactly what I'm describing - never having even seen the expert make a mistake. The only solution is to generate trajectories more intelligently (which is in line with Daume's comments).

Yes, it is true. In the case of Super Mario he does the learning by simulating level-K BFS from positions that resulted in errors (unseen states) and thus minimizes the regret for the next K moves.

Although, if you checkout his papers, the problems I've talked about, when you have more than enough data and when you know you should be able to generalize well you still can get subpar performance if you don't optimize jointly. AlphaGo model isn't optimizied jointly but its power mostly lies in the extreme representation ability of deep neural networks.

This is great stuff, thank you.

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