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I guess this:

Straighter Teeth by Mail - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8998267

Also from a while back:

Invisalign and 3D Printing - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6373936

This was the article: http://mobile.nytimes.com/blogs/well/2015/02/01/a-trip-to-th...

I went with smilecareclub. They're pretty hands-off but it gets the job done and is a good value

I used to think ClearCorrect's competitive advantage was that they were much much cheaper than Invisalign so they could steal market share, but it appears they are now in the same ballpark. The ClearCorrect website says doctors set their own fees which can range from $1,000 to $7,000 USD.

Thanks for the link. It allowed me learn of even cheaper options.

I wonder how this works, they added brackets on my teeth that act as anchors. Definitely worth the try, I believe that I paid 3k for my treatments, this is ~600. Amazing

They do not add brackets / anchors but they do use a straight-across aligned as opposed to a more trimmed "scalloped" aligner. The straight across gets a bit more turning force because it goes higher up and covers a bit of your gums. I'm no expert so I don't know if that's the whole story. They definitely filter out people with more complicated alignment issues so that could play a role as well.

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