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muchas gracias! En el Perú ya hay varios grupos de periodistas que se han asociado con programadores para hacer proyectos interesantes de periodismo de datos. Está Ojo Publico, Convoca e IDL reporteros. Pero igual no nos damos abasto hay tanto por hacer!


Carlos, super good job, congratulations!! I study issues related to technology vs. corruption from here in Berkeley. I have interesting evidence from contacts who have experienced post-technology change in government. Peru has (too much) potential in this area. If you need help at any time I am happy to support you!


thank you! In Peru there are already several groups of journalists who have partnered with developers to make interesting data journalism projects. There is Ojo Publico [1], Convoca [2] and IDL Reporters [3]. But all the same, it's not enough, there's so much to do!

[1] http://ojo-publico.com/ [2] http://www.convoca.pe/ [3] https://idl-reporteros.pe/

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