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> Who want's to live in a China even Chinese people don't like or want to stay in

It seem's that you are naive. Rich people are leaving because the standard of living is higher at the moment, but this will change. China is still developing, having spent the last 50 years lifting hundreds of millions of people out of poverty. Meanwhile, poverty in the US has increased to 14%. China will overtake the US as the dominant global superpower this century.

Well, the "50 years" claim is simply not true, the whole lifting out of poverty thing started with the opening up and the influx of foreign investment to use cheap Chinese labour after Deng Xiaoping took power in 1978. Before that, the Chinese leadership under Mao were doing their best to drive all of China into poverty and famine.

Have you ever been to China? I've lived in China over for 10 years until 2011, and it has always baffled me how so many foreigners were saying that China will be the economic superpower of the 21st century, and all I saw was a nation of poorly educated people with a cult of money, lack of any kind of moral compass and rampant corruption deeply embedded into the fabric of society. To be fair, it also had more or less developed infrastructure and lots of cheap labor that has made manufacturing in China profitable for international companies. I was trying to be positive and kept repeating the "in China it's different, they have a special Chinese way" mantra. Well, now the Chinese economy has now been exposed as the pyramid scheme it has always been and there is no light at the end of the tunnel.

I see your claim that "the standard of living will change" as absolutely laughable, as any people who are capable of changing that are busy getting out of China, ideally forever. Whoever is left only stays to reinforce the status quo.

Whoever was saying that "China is the future" in 2006 was at best a naive optimist. Whoever is saying that in 2016 is delusional.

> Before that, the Chinese leadership under Mao were doing their best to drive all of China into poverty and famine.

Drought is widely seen as the fundamental factor the caused the great famine. Government policy was one aspect that was poorly implemented. It is easy to say in hindsight - but this was a national emergency on a scale that no other country had experienced.

Even the official stance of the Chinese government, the one being taught in schools these days, is that "the disaster was 30% due to natural causes and 70% by mismanagement". With the tendency of the CCP to invent any numbers that favour them, I'll leave it to you to guess what the actual causes were.

There's also the fact that proper communist china still lingers in the collective consciousness like IE6 does in webdesign.

There used to be the communist party doctrine that individuals with possible grudges against the party within 3 generations would not be granted party membership. Some people that have money now would still count for this rule, which is another reason they might want some cash abroad.

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