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Chess engines and processing power have since then advanced to a point where my phone can now reliably beat Carlsen. There is no reason to suppose Go is different in that respect. In 10 years, DeepMind will fit into a phone.

It's way more about algorithmic improvements than hardware improvements though. Deep Blue evaluated 200 million positions per second. I don't think top programs of today could get to 2 million positions per second on a smartphone (I get about 10 million pos/second on my i7 3770 quad). It's all about improvements in search algorithms as well as position evaluation.

True. Without hardware improvements the processors that can evaluate 2 million positions per second while 'fitting' into a phone (qua processing power and power usage) would not exist though.

>my phone can now reliably beat Carlsen

I've seen this written by many people but is there any solid evidence/study that proves this?

Edit: seems like Pocket Fritz and Komodo are easily able to beat grandmasters.

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