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Last time there was an "unexpected reading", we spent 3 months being excited about faster-than-light particles until someone found the error. Let's not get too excited just yet.

I don't know about this one, but I don't think many scientists believed in faster-than-light particles, at the time it felt to me like only the media did.

My recollection was even the scientists who discovered it were basically saying "this is an odd result, can anybody reproduce or figure out where we went wrong before we get excited"?

I'll take three months of excitement, damn the consequences.

The pursuit of discovering something new and interesting that could potentially change your entire understanding of the universe, is what makes science so utterly satisfying. It's like being re-born. Everything you once knew was completely wrong and you have to re-learn everything.

> Everything you once knew was completely wrong and you have to re-learn everything.

It's really cool in practice but the way you phrased it makes it sound dreadful :)

That made me laugh. I like your attitude.

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