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Doesn’t building a front end with a kit as heavy and unwieldy as Electron kind of defeat the purpose of a small, light console editor like vim/neovim? Don’t get me wrong, this looks nice, but if I were a (neo)vim user I think I’d be far more attracted to a front end as light as (neo)vim itself.

I get where you are coming from, vi and vim being rooted in low bandwidth light interfaces. However, I think a lot of vi/vim users would like a more fully featured IDE that had the power of vi/vim in terms of usability.

Given the number of vim users I know that install a dozen plugins, I'd wager you're right. Surely, I can't be the only person who uses stock vim, though.

I use both. I have my vim IDE-like with a fair number of plugins. It's my kind of "IDE environment", and for this I would love to get those kind of integrations.

But whenever I have to open a large file, or just make a simple edit to a file on a server, I have a very simple vim with no plugins and a very small vimrc that should work everywhere.

What does that have to do with electron though?

To me, the appeal of VIM is not the lightness, it's the editing paradigm it is based on. I won't be switching to this any time soon, but I can think up plenty of nice features that a html-based view would allow over the terminal, and I wouldn't mind paying (a bit of) a price for it.

The screenshots don't show anything that couldn't be accomplished with a regular text console either, which certainly doesn't help show why anyone would want to effectively run a whole browser just to emulate a terminal.

At the very least, the other "web everything" projects I've seen show something that wouldn't be possible with just a text console.

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