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Not too long ago I pointed out an increase in anti-China propaganda. Seems this definitely is the case.

A 25% drop from a 50% increase the year before (due to what is probably one of, if not the biggest holidays in the world) is still an increase from 2 years prior. Anyhow, this is just funny timing things.


If you set the chart to 10 years, you'll notice it's more or less in line with the average. If there is a slowdown (hard to tell), it's fairly mild, and would be more or less consistent with worldwide demand. It's just very dramatic for one month because of the holiday.

In a year, I have no doubt that, contrary to what some observers are claiming, China will be alive and well.

It probably has little to do with anti-China propaganda. Financial news has always reported junk like this with clickbait headlines and a few cherry picked numbers to make a story from nothing.

Yes, that's what it looks like from here on the ground.

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