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Agreed, don't take 56% as fully being attributed to smaller page loads.

In two weeks after the change with out any other changes to traffic or anything else, the improvement was 38%.

I've talked about my findings with more caution here: https://ecommerce.shopify.com/c/ecommerce-discussion/t/shopi...

My worst day after this change, was better than my best day previous to this change. Thousands of visitors.

This trend has continued for 4 months after the change. Hundreds of thousands of visitors.

I'm the only dev on this project and I know what changes day to day.

Can full 56% be attributed? No. I added opt-in monster with 10% & 20% (A/B) discount in Feb which boosted conversions. 10% actually out performs 20%. Go figure.

Can more than 0% be attributed to smaller images. Yes. So I'd say this change helped between 0% and 56%. Either way, it's statistically significant.

4MB savings on homepage going to save you from a shit tonne of bounces and help move more people towards that checkout page.

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