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Ask Hackers: Opinions on OCaml?
35 points by yters on Feb 8, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 41 comments
I've been looking into OCaml a bit, and it looks interesting. Here are two articles, one on either side of the debate (sorry haven't figured out embedded links): Stevey on OCaml (pros) - http://steve.yegge.googlepages.com/ocaml Steingold on Ocaml (cons) - http://www.podval.org/~sds/ocaml-sucks.html

Anyone here an OCaml hacker?

I wrote a few projects in OCaml, and it's a great language if it suits the problem, but it can get in the way otherwise.

What it's great for is anything that involves the manipulation of lists or trees - one of my projects in OCaml was a simple computer algebra system, and OCaml was great for that. I had previously written a super-simple interpreter for a made-up programming language in Java, and in comparison OCaml is way more expressive for that type of project. I also wrote a fractal renderer in OCaml and found the expresivity helpful, although the library support was not great so I ended up writing my own bitmap library. It's also nice to be able to break out of the purely-functional paradigm, because there are times when a problem is better suited for imperative programming.

Another project I did in OCaml was a web proxy, and it turned out to not be a great idea. The libraries were confusing and in the end I wished I used python.

So it really comes down to the project. OCaml is very cool conceptually, and it is great for certain tasks, and not so great for others. (For what it's worth, I've only been using OCaml intermittently for about a year, so I am no expert.)

I love OCaml. It's Lisp + syntax + type safety + speed. Lots of speed. Theoretically, I know that Lisp is a more expressive language, but I always find myself programming in OCaml anyway--perhaps just because the code is easier for me to read.

I don't know why OCaml gets so little attention (and such bitter hatred from a few people), but maybe it's because its merits are mundane: it focuses on doing things right, rather than superficial coolness (Python) or lofty idealism (Haskell, Scheme). The result is a language that's very nice to use.

Yeah, I see it as a happy medium between the practical world and the form of programming - an Aristotelian language, if you will.

It's nice when the philosophers come down to rescue us from our cave.

We used OCaml to build a high-performance Comet-style server. It rocked. We have individual Xeon-class machines each supporting 2K simultaneous, persistent SSL connections, and pushing about 1-1.5K transactions per second at peak. I did a talk at last year's CUFP, see http://cufp.galois.com/CUFP-2007-Report.pdf, page 13. There might be a video of my talk online somewhere in the ACM's digital library.

There's always this: http://www.paulgraham.com/vanlfsp.html

But in general (at least from what I've observed on Hacker News), OCaml gets less love than Haskell. Actually, I don't ever remember OCaml getting love here.

This pdf is a report from the Commercial Users of Functional Programming workshop last year. There are some good stories about OCaml, Scheme, and Haskell. 20 pages but well written, reads quickly.


Looked into it in college. I liked it a lot - it's fast, clean, safe, and has some cool features. Also was easier to learn than Haskell.

I left it behind because it was easier to learn than Haskell. I use these languages (Ocaml, Haskell, Erlang, Scheme) because they're mind-expanding. For practical programs, I'd rather use something practical, like Python. Haskell was more mind-expanding than Ocaml, and so was better for the task at hand.

Interesting, I had thought OCaml and Haskell were pretty equivalent in regards to functional programming. OCaml's plus is the ability to break out of the functional mindset when you really need it, mainly for speed (can beat c++ when used properly): http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~murphyk/Software/Ocaml/why_ocaml.html

I think that is cool, because in my mind functional and imperative programming each have their distinct niche's of effectiveness. However, I have zero significant projects under my belt in any functional language, so I'm not necessarily one to talk.


This is a counter (on slashdot w/ discussion) to the speed claim: http://developers.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=05/03/14/22582...

That /. discussion quickly found an inappropriate datatype causing an O(n) access where it should have been O(1).

Having said that, it was remarkably civil!

OCaml: I like it, a lot. It's my current Favorite Language. I took the time to learn it a few years ago, and it was very, very mind-expanding.

Having said that, there are a lot of constraints around real world use. Libraries, the ability to collaborate with other (blub) programmers, etc. I've used it exactly once in anger -- not on a learning/hobby project -- and although it was a resounding success, I had to go out of my way a bit even then to bring O'Caml to bear.

I'd highly recommend it if you're out to learn, and particularly so if you've never used a modern statically typed functional language before. It also makes sense to deliberately choose learning projects that play to the languages' strengths. I myself set out writing a L-System interpreter & functional image composer, which is good for learning because you can see your bugs...

On the library side, Yegge says it can call out to C and Perl fairly easily.

As long as languages can do that, I don't see what the big deal library support is. Maybe it's just the extra tedium or something.

I'm learning OCaml myself now. I'm actually starting a new open source database project and I intend to implement it in OCaml. I'll probably post information about the project here whenever I get it going enough to have something to discuss.

Take a look at a specialized reddit I created for OCaml discussion: http://reddit.com/r/ocaml

Steingold pretty much seems to be saying "OCaml sucks because it isn't Lisp". I think languages like OCaml and Haskell would work nicely in situations where you have a pretty good idea of how your program is going to work before you write any code. I've never worked on a non-trivial project where that was the case.

Ultimately, I think both OCaml and Haskell have a much nicer feel than Blub, but when I need to get something done, I reach for Common Lisp before anything else.

I started working on an opengl game in haskell. I've got less than 1000 lines of code, but a lot of functionality.

I've found the code is easy to change. Type inference lets me swap out datatypes without changing any code. If i need to add or remove arguments, the compiler tells me everything i need to update.

I've run into two situations where i don't know what to do next. Both times, I've been able to figure out what i need, without figuring out exactly how to do it. That gave me enough of an edge to write a quickcheck test or two. Then i fooled around with various implementations until i found something that met quickcheck's requirements.

It's been very nice.

That said, i've picked up haskell 4 or 5 times, worked on something for 1-3 months, become frustrated, and quit. I feel like i'm finally proficient enough to actually solve problems.

I don't know if it's worth it. I've come to appreciate all the compiler can tell me. In CL, you can use very abstract data structure access like elt. + is overloaded to work on everything. Haskell gives typeclasses. Haskell macros are disgusting, where lisp macros are very pretty. Since haskell is lazy, a lot of the control flow macros aren't as useful.

I like haskell. I'd like it to be my default language. Lisp lets me make lisp look like they way i think, so i can write big fancy programs. Haskell frees me up from thinking about the rest of the program so i can write nice modules.

I've been using it a lot, and I really love it. It's the only language I've used in which I found static types to be worth it (I don't count C, as its type system is badly broken, and iss only there to counter some of the language's runtime limitations).

If your problem can be presented as advanced data structures, it's really the right tool for the job. Unless if your problem is purely functional, then maybe in Haskell would do better, but we're talking about a pretty narrow niche.

When you design an application, you can generally shift complexity from the algorithm to the structuring of data, and vice versa. It's better to put complexity into data, as they're easier to debug, and that's even much truer in OCaml.

There's one very cool feature in Haskell that ought to make it into OCaml, though: classes (which are almost unrelated to the homonym OO concept).

Upmod for the great point - OCaml's niche is advanced data structures.

Here's my favorite open-source OCaml application: http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/unison

Unison is a file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows. It allows two replicas of a collection of files and directories to be stored on different hosts (or different disks on the same host), modified separately, and then brought up to date by propagating the changes in each replica to the other.

It's also listed as one of the OCaml "success stories" here: http://caml.inria.fr/about/successes.en.html

Subversion access details here: http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/unison/svn-instructions....

The author has several papers on it and data synchronization in general here: http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/papers/index.shtml#Synchr...

OCaml is currently my favorite language, and I'm learning more and more about it. I'm starting with F# (mainly because of the Microsoft library support) but it's cool to be able to run it on Mono and Linux, or heck, even on a straight Linux box with Ocaml installed (as long as I stay away from those same libraries!)

I'm thinking of making my next project straight html with Javascript hitting an OCaml server(s) on the backend using JSON. I believe if done correctly you should be able to do all sorts of cool stuff, like continuations across the http barrier. I don't know if any of you have looked at the F# web toolkit (open source I believe), but it allows using OCaml in one script file and tagging your methods to either run on the server or client or both places at once. So you have one module file that exists anywhere you like it to -- very cool stuff indeed.

So count me in!

I've written between 50 and 100KLoCs of OCaml code over the last year (before that, I did mostly C and Ruby, which I've been using since 2002; touched many other languages but never did anything significant, over 5-10,000 lines with them). If I had to describe the language in two words, I'd say that it's practical and loyal.

It's a loyal language because it doesn't bite you in the ass when you don't expect it. It's practical because there's a decent number of (high-quality, in general) libraries available, there are several concessions to serviceability in the language (mainly the ability to combine imperative and functional styles) and the implementation is solid and stable.

I haven't experienced the problems with the type system I've seen some people complain about. On the contrary, I've found it to be immensely helpful both when exploring new ground and when refactoring code. Deliberately breaking the code by changing a type or a function and letting the compiler guide you is a joy. In addition to other well-known benefits (Caml riders often feel that "it works as soon as it types" for a reason...) I won't repeat here, the type system (in particular the module system) sometimes makes me realize that I'm following the wrong track (I've learned to love functors after the early troubles).

Another thing I appreciate very much is the excellent performance and its predictability (other people might not care about this). The compiler doesn't (nor needs to) do deep magic the way GHC does to yield good results, so you can easily predict the performance (speed & memory usage) of your code --- and improve it when needed. Joel Raymond tells how this feels perfectly: "I would describe working with OCaml to guiding a scalpel: you move it and things happen. Right now, right here, in real-time. Compilation time is almost unnoticeable, the tool is powerful but reasonably simple. I have no problem expressing the most complex things and moving the project forward at a fast clip. I'm enjoying myself tremendously at the same time!" (Joel has switched to Erlang^H ^H^Hfactor^H^H^H K since he wrote that, though).

Expanding a bit on the Objective Caml toolset, I haven't really used ocamldebug (even though it knows some fine tricks like allowing you to go back in time...), but I often use the profiler and I've come to love camlp4, a tool that allows you to extend OCaml's grammar (I'll just say that it's very powerful, this post is already getting too long). I use the REPL mainly to explore libraries (just do "include Themodule" to see all its types & functions) or to check the type of a function (the type almost always tells you all you need to know without reading the documentation). I don't find it worse than irb --- but I rarely code inside the REPL anyway.

Now for the cons... as much as I like the language, some things could be improved:

* the standard library is a bit meager. Several third-party libs to complement/extend it exist, but there's still work left (there's some activity in the works to create a Community Distribution with richer libs).

* sometimes you feel some kind of ad-hoc polymorphism would be nice

* I've also wished a few times that the compiler were a bit smarter (inlining in higher-order functions, other classical optimizations)

* the community is very quiet: the code-to-blogging/discussion ratio is much higher than in other communities. INRIA isn't very talkative regarding its future plans for the language, and the ML has seen moderate activity historically (it's been revitalized as of late after the first OCaml Meeting)

The back in time ability sounds pretty cool. I've wondered whether any debuggers implement that idea. I also like the idea of an extensible grammar (and syntax too, right?) I think pg should allow arc's syntax to be extended; which I remember him saying he'd do somewhere, but I haven't been able to find the quote since.

" I also like the idea of an extensible grammar (and syntax too, right?)"

Yes, that's what I meant (you change the grammar, resulting in new syntax).

Some examples of what you can do with camlp4:

http://martin.jambon.free.fr/pa_memo.ml allows to define memoized functions very conveniently:

    (* normal *) 
    let fib = function 0 | 1 -> 1 | n -> fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)
    (* memoized *)
    let fib = memo 0 | 1 -> 1 | n -> fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)
Automatic generation of

* typed JSON marshallers (http://martin.jambon.free.fr/json-static.html)

    type json mytype = Foo | Bar of int * int
    (* just add "json" to the type declaration to create to
       create the json_of_mytype and mytype_of_json functions *)
* serialization with S-expressions (http://www.janestcapital.com/ocaml/)

* pretty-printing, type-safe marshalling with structure-sharing, dynamic typing, equality... (http://code.google.com/p/deriving/)

* list comprehensions, heredocs, string interpolation, lazy pattern matching, "do syntax" for monads (very much like Haskell's)...

Here's some OCaml code that relies on a rather large syntax extension of mine which allows you to generate (or verify) SQL schemas automatically and build composable queries using a typed relational algebra (the type system ensures that all queries are valid; if you change the schema and break some queries, the compiler will tell you what's wrong --- broken queries just don't compile):

   TABLE user users
     COLUMN password VARCHAR(64)
   TABLE comment comments
     COLUMN title TEXT
     COLUMN text TEXT
     COLUMN created_at TIMESTAMPZ
     COLUMN author SERIAL FOREIGN(users, id)
   let minors x = SELECT [User_age < (Some 18)] x
   let pauls = SELECT [User_name LIKE "%Paul%"] users
   let young_pauls = minors pauls
You can read more about this extension at http://eigenclass.org/hiki/typed-relational-algebra-in-OCaml

Thanks for your excellent post! I'm interested in OCaml, but I am very much a momentum-based PL-switcher.

Check out this presentation by Yaron Minsky of Jane Street Capital, JSC uses OCAML extensively.

[pdf] http://cufp.galois.com/slides/2006/YaronMinsky.pdf

Here's a quicksort in various languages, including OCaml, written in functional style:


i used ocaml very briefly so my opinion should be taken with a huge grain of salt. The language is nice. The type system is mostly pretty cool .. there were some programs that were "correct if it compiled". But sometimes the type system sometimes comes in the way .. I hear (but dont know firsthand) that Haskell's type classes alleviate some of the pain.

Haskell's type system will bring a lot of pain first. And then one day it'll click (like macros) and then it makes everything simple.

I've used it.

I think OCaml would be a big win if you have your software designed all up front, and need to verify that it works correctly, e.g., avionics software. Unfortunately, avionics software development seems to be moving toward C/C++...

It blows my mind that in 2008 companies are moving toward C++.

... but they use OCaml to prove that there are no run-time errors (RTE) in their code :-)


"In Nov. 2003, ASTRÉE was able to prove completely automatically the absence of any RTE in the primary flight control software of the Airbus A340 fly-by-wire system, a program of 132,000 lines of C. [...] From Jan. 2004 on, ASTRÉE was extended to analyze the electric flight control codes then in development and test for the A380 series."

Go&learn C++. It blows my mind how often people confuse C++ with "C with classes" in 2008. Granted, C++ isn't as sexy as OCaml, but it's still C plus some rather nice extentions that (finally) got trully portable and work as advertised.

Powerful templates plus multiple inheritance give you a very impressive weapon to play with. C# and Java don't even come close.

And please... 99% of software on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux are built using the same stuff: C/C++/ObjectiveC.

I'm not sure I'd lump Objective-C in with C++ :/

C# and VB run an awful lot of Windows software, too.

Steve Yegge, who you're quoting as being in favor of OCaml, has since implied that he found it lacking on closer inspection, but, uncharacteristically, without writing at length about it.

At the top of his follow on article he says it isn't good for server applications, but he'd use it for client side.

Yeah, here's the quote: "(Note, long after I wrote this entry: I think OCaml has some fairly fundamental problems that keep it from being a first choice for server-side development. If I were to use it for anything, it would be as a substitute for C++ in delivering client-side executable/GUI programs, e.g. for Windows systems. And I still think it's a really cool language.)"

Anyone know what he's referring to?

Maybe the lack of parallelism in OCaml's threads at the time he wrote that?

There are now at least two solutions to obtain speedups on multi-core and multi-processor machines plus scalability by allowing seamless distributed processing: the JoCaml extension, which integrates the join calculus (http://jocaml.inria.fr/), and coThreads (http://cothreads.sourceforge.net/), which comprises shared-memory (with extensions like STM) and message passing while keeping backwards-compatibility with the original Threads library.

He's criticized the lack of a generic print function, calling it "a face-smashing insult to usability."


Note that like many of the alleged deficiencies of OCaml, this was a compromise for performance.

Good find. I don't see how this keeps OCaml "from being a first choice for server-side development" while making it an acceptable language for client-side development, though.

There are a several hackish polymorphic print implementations, but the best solution so far seems to be the "deriving" camlp4 extension (http://code.google.com/p/deriving/wiki/Introduction). This looks pretty good:

     type 'a tree = Leaf of 'a | Branch of 'a tree * 'a * 'a tree
	 deriving (Show)
     type point = { x : float; y : float }
	 deriving (Show)
     let points = Branch (Leaf {x=0.0;
			  {x=2.0; y=2.0},
			  Branch (Leaf {x=1.0; y=1.0},
				  {x=1.0; y=0.0},
				  Leaf {x=0.0; y=1.0}))
    Show.show<point tree> points
       (Leaf {x =0.; y =0.}, {x =2.; y =2.},
	  (Leaf {x =1.; y =1.}, {x =1.; y =0.}, Leaf {x =0.; y =1.}))"

I've never liked OCaml. The typesystem is too wimpy and constraining. Lack of generic arithmetic operators is particularly painful. Haskell is a much better language.

What's a problem is that there aren't any good books about it. Practical OCaml was almost universally panned, so I skipped it. I'd love a good book on OCaml or Haskell.

The best way to learn Haskell is a combination of #haskell on irc.freenode.net and the Haskell wikibook (incomplete and often flaky, but up until the beginning of the Advanced section, a very nice introduction to the language)

If you don't mind online reading, there are a number of manuals at the OCaml website: http://caml.inria.fr/resources/doc/index.en.html

I've learned Haskell by reading online tutorials and articles, but a new book (Real World Haskell) will be published and will likely be a good introduction to Haskell.

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