In all fairness mBostock works very hard on d3 and he is prolific at it as evidence by his pages but his library is very opinionated as well
Most of what C2 provided is now better-provided by React and a ClojureScript layer over top of it -- I upgraded my C2 project to use Reagent. I think this is actually why C2 is abandoned, although I don't know for sure.
I'm the author of C2, and you're exactly right. React provides everything that C2's underlying DOM manipulation library ( does. React is faster, capable with more browsers, and has better API hooks that let callers control the low-level details.
Thanks for C2!
I've just looked and it is indeed indicated as "Deprecated" in github, but in it still states "C2 is a very early project, and there’s a lot left to do." Perhaps that could be updated... I remember some time ago I wondered this, and I didn't see the "Deprecated" in github, if it already was.
Oh nice, and thanks for C2. Really all I had to do was write my own scaling fn and just move the state into a Reagent atom and it all worked the same as before.
Author of elm-d3 here. The project's still being maintained, but I've been slow to update it to 0.16 for a number of reasons. First, there's dealing with cabal hell after every release. Second, Elm's FFI is undocumented, so it's always a bit of a pain to dig into the internals get things working again. Second, most of my D3 efforts are now focused on ocaml-d3[0], which is the library that I use day-to-day for building front-end interfaces, not just visualizations.
If there's somebody from the Elm community that would like to help out in maintaining elm-d3, let me know. Experience with the FFI that you can point to is required.
In all fairness mBostock works very hard on d3 and he is prolific at it as evidence by his pages but his library is very opinionated as well