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How are you completely open? Can I run a dexter server on my own hardware instead of using your service?

I noticed at https://www.producthunt.com/tech/dexter someone said dexter was "more open" that https://bip.io/ but I don't think that's true. You can find their server code at https://github.com/bipio-server/bipio

I don't mean to come across too harshly, looks like you've built a great product and it is an open platform. Something about seeing it called completely open, while an open source competitor was being downplayed, rubbed me the wrong way.

Yes, this seems like more of an issue of semantics. It's true, that you can't set this up on your own hardware. Though, that may be something we are open to in the future. Our definition of open in this context is being able to contribute/share modules.

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