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Question: What are some resources for beginning journaling. I've wanted to start, but I'm blocked at, "Hmmm... these are my thoughts and feelings. Do I really want to set them free?"

Neat app, btw.

Playing with some of the methodologies like GTD and others is a good way to get started. A lot of it just has to do with getting thoughts out of your head and into either a text file or physical media. Personally I use a mix, I use digital for things that are nicer to cut and paste, and a journal that I date every page with.

I found the biggest improvement is having separate journals for 'projects' and 'day-to-day' as the writing for both is entirely different. A project in this case is something that doesn't have a distinct end. Watch and take notes on a youtube video? That goes in a day journal. Watch a series of videos on youtube that is going to take you a couple days? That goes in a project journal.

Trying to merge everything into one is what killed me.

I keep a developer journal. But that one is very technical. I've not yet been able to jump to non-technical journaling.

Ve found that I'm more likely to journal if I don't feel like I'm being heard by my friends and family. Example, SO and I stopped communicating as well for a bit and I journalled every night. Maybe you don't need your thoughts and feelings to be free because they already are set free.

Excellent point! I tell my wife most of what I'm thinking, so maybe that's my hangup.

Have you read 'the Artists Way' (Julia Cameron)?

For me, it wasn't about setting thoughts & feelings free, it was about getting clarity around them.

A good example - Donald Trump. Do I like him? (No! He's racist!) What about him do I respect? Are there better options? etc.

Give it a try!

No, I haven't. I'll try and pick up a copy.

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