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There are times when my mental dictionary/thesaurus goes offline and I blank on a word/phrase or spelling....

For that reason alone - I would not be able to use this app too well.

That's precisely the sort of distraction that this app forces you to ignore. Just insert something like <another word for crap that starts with e> and keep writing.

I like the cut of your jib....

That should be something I should practice. Thanks.

That makes a lot of sense.

I've done pretty extensive writing on an IBM Selectric III typewriter because I love the mechanical sound of the machine. A lot of the fun comes from having a great pace and firing off letters and words to make a percussive noise. That said, I still often 'space out' when trying to collect my thoughts, sort of like in a trance while the machine hums at my fingertips. I like being able to take breaks to consider phrasing a word choice, which this app doesn't allow for at its root, which makes sense based on the type of 'push' the setup is more useful for in general.

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