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Here's what I bashed out in a 5 minute session:

What makes a writing app dangerous? Is it the blank space set up before the writer? Is it the notion of using a form of communication without context? Does it have some other type of functional definition or characteristic that makes it dangerous?

Well let's have a look - there's a timer, a generic area for typing that appears to be fully justified, and in the lower left hand corner there is some very faint text illustrating typing speed and some other metrics. I'm still not seeing much of any danger as I would relate to the term. There's a bit of mystery - as in, what is the actual purpose of this other than intrinsic use of the language?

Oh, I see. Taking a bit of time to contemplate the next line and the screen starts to fade away. Is it taking the text along? Where does it put the text if it disappears? Will this be chopped up into 140 character components and spread amongst the world a la E-Horse Books? That could be dangerous, at least moreso than a general sense of foreboding that text will be gone if the writer doesn't keep going, and going, and going, which while constructive in its own right, isn't particularly known as the best approach to writing. Sometimes thought should be given a priority.

So, at the end of this five minute exercise, we discover what's really dangerous about the program. It's clever. The reason the app is so dangerous is that it prompts a person to keep typing and writing with minimal amount of active thought. Yay.

If we're doing that..

Oh, I see.

The point is that you just keep writing.

I actually like this one.

This should be combined with some kind of blogging service? I'd like to see the ones that actually make it all the way to their target goals.

Although, there probably isn't anything worth reading. Do edits count towards my goal?

I'm going to risk it..it looks like they do! But you've only got a few seconds to keep your fingers off the keys, so that's a bit scary.

What if you had to scratch your ass or take a piss? I guess that's sort of the point, you simply don't.

Is this worth reading? I sort of doubt it. It's just an extended internal monologue. Which, I suppose, isn't all that much different from other internet writing services.

WOAH. CLOSE CALL THERE. Seems like "backspace" does NOT count towards the progress! I'm filing that as a ticket. In.. two and a half minutes.

Do arrow key motions count? Probably not.

Another thing I just caught myself doing - I cheated by control-A, control-C'ing. I regret nothing. AH.

Arrow motions definitely DO NOT COUNT towards forward progress.

I like the design of the background fading to red when you're close to the time limit. It's a bit like first person shooter games.

Saving again..

If you keep doing this long enough, I bet a Chuck Pahalniuk book pops out.

Iron Blogger would like this. Turns any given five minutes into a fairly meaningless blog post. If you started with a topic and a few specific thoughts in mind, it'd probably actually turn into something not so shabby. At least something is better than nothing.

Properly lol'd IRL at the Chuck palaniuk comment. Harsh but very funny.

Damn, the anxiety in your writing was palpable. I'm gonna have to give this bad boy a go. There's an exercise I do where I pick a topic and try to come up with one hundred relevant points about it, without stop til it is done. It's like a form of brainstorming or problem solving, and I guess it could even be an associative thought exercise. I'll see if this app works for that exercise.

If anyone wants to read another stream of conciousness post -- mine devolves into shambles about my poor typing skills (a measly 48 wpm and trying not to hit backspace) and constant re-evaluation. http://pastebin.com/vdkupSdy

If I had 5 secs timer, I would have also spelled Chuck Palahniuk's name wrong. But then, I would not have written this much in the first place. I like what you have written.

Here is what I spit out.

jeff is beyond the tallest human to ever kill both a horse and a mouse in one punch. It's actually pretty crazy to think that it was just 3 years ago that he first tried this challenge on for size. As he remembers it, he was walking down a dark path in a forest when a troll jumped out from behind a rock and whispered into his ear, "Jeff, you have the power to punch both a horse and a mouse at the same time and kill them if you really put your heart into it old chap!". Well, Jeff thought about it and decided, what the hell, why not give it a go. So he walked to the pet store and bought three mice and then took them to a ranch and placed one mouse on he back of a horse. He punched and failed. Then he remembered, the troll said that he really has to put his heart in it. So he grabbed a knife and cut open his chest. He then tore his heart out and while still standing he punched a second horse (which also had a mouse on it) and this time he killed them both. Now, you may be wondering, did Jeff survive? The answer to that question is impossible to answer because Jeff was never alive. He was a figment of the forest troll's imagination and that very forest troll went on to change it's name to Jeff. Is it the same Jeff from our story? Well, the only way to answer that is to ask yourself one simple question. Is a horse able to think it's a troll and if so does that horse like mice? The answer of course is yes. Or is it?

O jotun idaho I barely knew thee. What fructose carriest thou in thine womb? Is it not true that the eldenbrecht is your mother and the fruitbat your father? Do you dance alone in the moonshine, leaves leaving dappled patterns on your skin, scintillating aardvarks cavorting nearby, always ready to praise your flanks and rotund tubules?

Let me now speak of soft things such as bread. These things are more easily made than others, being primarily composed of those parts that are with less form than what we have so far observed. It stands to reason that the absence of form in their nature predisposes them towards changeability, yes, truly, they are protean in nature. Bread, so, is the archetype of all things that live. Created, quickened, baked, hardened. Consumed by need. If left alone, it goes stale.

O Ophelia, thine most fruitbatulous tubules excite yet stronger yearnings within my gullet, but shall I be forever warned against the tides of leprosy that even now sweep through this fair hamlet? Isn't all that we see but as bread?

Indeed, were we to do the deed, what creed would we bleed? What need would we feed? Let us then retreat and retread instead our oldest and least useful thoughts: bread. Where does it come from, where does it go, where it stops nobody know because bread is ineffable that is to say if you stick your dick into it, you are going to have a bad time.

And that's why you should always wear protection.

I'm much less elegant:

Shit. I've wasted enough time today, but YOLO. I have no idea what the purpose of this thing is like seriously? Why do I need this, I hope the author/screator is trying to get onto techcrunch in order to earn a whole lotta $$$ from YC< Senoqua and Andressen Hortolowolloiz? if thats a thing

Arf! I don't know why there is a wquaetion mark after hororloworitzs. I think its suopposed troo be andresson horowitzz but screw it, sounds like another rich guys name.

I have so manyu fucking grammatical and spelling wrrors that this shit aint worth it anynmore. I'm done, like seriously. I should be working on my blog but na..

ol I'm done with over thrree minuites to spair there, happy noe? I can only type at a pittiful 41 wpm which is super slow, but then again there was an optiob for a whole fucing hour

and now i'm looking at my grammarly extention and I apparantly have 36 fucing errors in this thing. No its 20. Damn, I'm dumn.See, I cant even spell dumb.

I guess I should reside(???) and go back to looking at this AAron fellow. He seems really interesting. It's sad how he got screwed over badly despite him contributing a lot ex

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