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> [...] their core business is everything you'd expect from a big business.

I have worked for a bank before coming to Google. The biggest difference, even in the core business, is that people speak up to management and call bullshit out.

Memegen, for all its flaws, wouldn't survive one week in the open in a bank, and the perpetrators would be fired.

Sorry, could you please clarify? So is it in Google or in the bank that people speak up to management?

And what is the Memegen (and its flaws) you refer to? I google it and find a bunch of meme generators.

I believe he's saying that Google is more open, and people are willing to speak up (including to management).

That has been my experience so far as well.

I was also in banking and financial services before, and I found people tip toe around management a lot more.

And MemeGen is an internal thing, and I won't say anything beyond that. (I understand what the poster is saying, but I don't think it's necessary to understand his/her pointl

> I was also in banking and financial services before, and I found people tip toe around management a lot more.

Especially around bonus time.

Memegen is internal, but has been leaked and written about. See https://www.google.com/search?q=Google+memegen

He means in Google. For Memegen, search for 'google memegen'.

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