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It's not clear to me what this does, or if it's useful. You have a fixed-length vector of strings and you make cross-overs between elements in the vector based on non-uniform random distributions. That is to give more chances to younger offspring to procreate. Then you apparently remove the oldest (i.e. first) strings in the vector, and replace them by appending offspring. But then you also mention you are not deleting older organisms. I'm a bit confused.

I think it's wrong to say you don't have a fitness function. Your fitness function is "Is this string a password?" and the score is binary. Why do you say there is no fitness function?

Also, in your examples, is "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" really a password?

The part about not deleting organisms, is a small caveat that I omitted in most of the discussion since it makes the algorithm just a bit harder to understand. To clarify that point, since you asked, the organisms can be popped from the front of the container if we provide a maximum population size. If we do not provide a maximum population size, we do not delete the organisms. Older organisms do however lie dormant due to the non-uniform distribution, thereby providing the same advantage as selection while preserving a greater degree of genetic diversity. If there is anything else that is not clear to you then I am open to any questions you might have. I will help where I can to clarify things.

With regard to the fitness function, I think I agree with you that checking if the offspring matches a password will fall in the category of a fitness function albeit a binary one. I will update my description to include that, thanks.

With regard to if it is useful, I will let it stand or fall on its own merits. If people are going to use it to find bad passwords, then I would say yes it is. It might be pertinent to mention that I am interested in genetic algorithms in general and this is a good practical way of exploring my own theoretical ideas.

Yes, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" really is a password. Have a look at the rock_you list of passwords and sort them by length. There are some extremely long but silly passwords in there.

Wow, I am surprised about the "aaa..." password. Thanks for clearing that up.

When I asked how useful this was, I assumed the organisms were removed from the front of the list. If you keep everything, then yes I can see how this can be used to crack passwords. It's not clear to me how it would be useful otherwise, as which organisms stay in the list is not homogeneously random, and so one organism might be quite unlucky (even though its offspring could have been very successful).

So basically this can be viewed as an accelerated brute-force of long/complex passwords?

I would not put it in the category of brute-force since it really does have all the properties of a genetic algorithm. But yes it does succeed to a greater extent at cracking passwords that are intractable(long/complex) with a brute-force approach.

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