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adding possible combinations of characters, ngrams, from the 'organisms' file and checking them against a leaked password list, apparently tested on the 'rock_you' list of leaked myspace passwords, which is ommitted from the repo but the repo has a standin empty file where you put your own list of leaked passwords

it will genetically run through all ngrams and check if it is in the pass list to determine how to advance the evolution of the algorithm

does this crack passwords genetically? well, yes and sorta

it's a proof of concept against an existing list of real leaked passwords, proving that it could efficiently crack a number of these real passwords real people were using to protect real personal data

but from there you have to extrapolate the effectiveness on all possible passwords..

if you train against the myspace list then the passwords would have to resemble myspace passwords

can you train the algo on the myspace list then try to crack nuclear codes? very unlikely, unless government officials are protecting their access with passes like 'WARMACHINEROX'

> unless government officials are protecting their access with passes like 'WARMACHINEROX'

I chuckled, imagining how some government official changes his password right now.

I chuckled, after misreading that as "warm ache in eRox", and wondering what 'eRox' were...

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