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> Now that TC announced it, it's official people! Time to close shop, pack your bags and leave.

I had the same thought - TC is pretty much an eye-roll-and-move-on for me at this point.


> Tell me this: if not into startups, where will the money go to find possible returns? Negative interest rates, oil price can't find the bottom and stocks aren't really going anywhere either. So where will this money go?

I think that the point here isn't that entrepreneurship is suddenly dead, but rather that

> [the big players] have co-opted the same technologies startups used to attack them” and so “until there is another fundamental technology disruption, the window of opportunity for startups is limited to more traditional markets with less competitive players.”

The various *AAS models may be coming to the end of their usefulness as a disruptive media, but there's plenty of "fundamental technology disruption" ahead: mesh networking, crypto-blockchains, embedded, VR, and on and on.

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