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I don't think I get where your post is going. When I hear some combination of "getting it right" and "first time" I don't presume that the development team only gets one crack at something. Instead, it just sounds like iterating internally on something until it's ready without cutting corners.

It goes to show that the poster idea

>Agile ideologues -> just doesn't lead to working software

it's a flawed idea; if you want to take agile core values all of them are focused on actually trying to reduce errors and improve quality [0].

On the other hand it's a very broad generalization, and leaves the open question "what does actually lead to working software?"

[0] http://www.agilemanifesto.org/

On a small point of order, I'm slightly worried that you might have read "idealogues" as a typo for "ideologies" - very much not the case! I very much meant idealogues.

I don't take much issue with the underlying ideas of the Agile manifesto - it's the ritualisation and thoughtlessness that it can lead to that irks me. The "anti Agile manifesto", many though its faults are, rings true in a lot of places, to my mind: "backlogs are really just to do lists" seems pretty much inarguable, for one.

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