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I believe what he is trying to say is this:

It will take a person a couple of days to "grok" Redux, and a quite a bit longer to fully understand the ins and outs so one can make informed, confident decisions on how to solve problems "the Redux way".

Now you gain "cool" things by doing it, but here is the catch: Is the benefit worth the time investment to get there?

His argument is that for a lot of simple apps it isn't. You get very far with plain React, and a project has to have significant complexity to pay back the costs of fully understanding Redux.

I would argue a lot of people picking the React ecosystem make the mistake of choosing too much architectural complexity, not too little.

The extreme pluggability helps to broaden usage of Redux. But it is overkill for many projects. Decoupling is important, but it is not free (see parts of the Java ecosystem).

Devs should consciously decide what to introduce, and leave out stuff that simply doesn't increase development efficiency given the nature of their project.

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