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> What's the speed like going out of the country?

Full line rate round the clock.

> Where are the big peering points?

The main local IX is FICIX. The main Swedish IX Netnod in Stockholm is 8 ms away. Netnod is the 10th largest IX in the world. A new direct subsea cable to Germany just got built and it will bring DE-CIX, the largest IX In the world closer.

Russia is also close. Google and Yandex both built datacenters in Finland to serve Russia and Northern Europe. Facebook put theirs in Sweden for the same reason.

Thanks for this. It's really interesting moving to a fast connection - latency becomes far more important than bandwidth.

I'd totally read a write-up about latency and peering around the world, but I might be the only one.

There's been a lot written on peering. Dr. Peering has a lot on his website, perhaps not so much regarding latency but lots and lots on peering in general. Googling for publications will also get you a lot of interesting stuff.

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