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What exactly do you think is "web stack" about React Native? The fact that there's javascript involved in the high level UI state code? I really don't think you grasp the difference between React Native and the various "wrap a web app" approaches.

I've dabbled with this JavaScript for native code since 2010-11. Appcelerator Titanium SDK (now Appcelerator), Telerik, RubyMotion, Xamarin and of course PhoneGap (including PhoneGap Build). I've not used Xamarin, but putting it there to give a broader picture.

Please don't get me wrong, I'd love to use ECMAScript(, CSS and markup) to do all web, native and server side development. Unfortunately they are marred by poor API support, performance and customization. Last two are extremely critical for non-trivial apps.

If you are building run of the mill simple apps like - news feed, photo, video and reading etc. You'll be okay with anyone of the above 'web stack'.

Here's the litmus test. Ask the Reactive Native team to port their non-trivial paper app or mission critical messenger app or main app to Reactive Native. They are using Reactive Native for a lame duck Groups and some ad manager app.

JavaScriptCore is one layer deeper than wrapping a UIWebView, but it's several layers from true native.

> Here's the litmus test. Ask the Reactive Native team to port their non-trivial paper app or mission critical messenger app or main app to Reactive Native.

Facebook is rewriting the News Feed in RN. That's not a trivial example.

Correct, it's not a trivial app by a long shot. Also, a validation for React Native.

> They are using Reactive Native for a lame duck Groups and some ad manager app.

"Some ad manager app" which happens to be the ad manager for one of the largest advertising platforms on the planet right now. It's also composed of non-trivial UI, you should try it before blindly bashing it. I've used both Cordova, and Titanium, too, by the way - Cordova was relatively painless but lacked the native feel. Titanium sort of had the native feel but it was slow. The Titanium community also felt very hostile towards competition and they didn't promote FOSS. Maybe you're a Titanium developer?

> Unfortunately they are marred by poor API support, performance and customization.

Web apps can hit 60fps these days (again, using React (Canvas)).

> Here's the litmus test. Ask the Reactive Native team to port their non-trivial paper app or mission critical messenger app or main app to Reactive Native.

That's a really lame litmus test considering they've got a massive code base in native languages with no reason to throw them away since they're working perfectly and they have a ton of developers to throw at the problem.

> They are using Reactive Native for a lame duck Groups and some ad manager app.

They appear to be using React Native for most new apps that they develop. I would assume it would be up to the discretion of the team to choose whether or not to use React Native. Most do because React Native is way better than plain old native. Even the author of UIKit thinks so.[0]

I'd be interested if you could provide a common real world example where React Native wouldn't be a good fit.

Furthermore, React Native never claims to be a total replacement for native. We openly acknowledge that some problems are best solved in native code. That's why React Native has excellent support for 3rd party modules.

[0] https://twitter.com/andy_matuschak/status/560511204867575808

Okay how about one very, very simple question - Can I replace my all of my Swift and iOS+tvOS+watchOS APIs with React Native? To make it easy for you. Can I do that within next 1 year? What will happen when Apple will introduce a slew of new APIs will be introduced in Sept?

Let's say I don't have any real world examples. I'm not seeing any engineering marvel in React Showcase. https://facebook.github.io/react-native/showcase.html pales in comparison to http://phonegap.com/app/

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