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PICO-8 for Raspberry Pi (lexaloffle.com)
84 points by doppp on Feb 27, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

Very interesting project. Background info here ~ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11189329 and here http://www.lexaloffle.com/pico-8.php The Pico-8 is a subset of the work being done on Voxatron ~ http://www.lexaloffle.com/voxatron.php

I play enough with PICO-8 and VOX on my PC that I should get a dedicated Pi just for this! It's amazing how much fun it is playing other people's games, and starting to work on your own. Great to teach little ones programming.

Slightly off-topic, but can someone confirm if it's actually bad/electrically dangerous to run composite video through RCA audio cables? It's visible in the first image.

"Proper" RCA audio cables are 75 ohm impedance and can carry composite video just fine. Lower quality cables will most likely carry the video but you may see degraded quality. It is not electrically dangerous.

I'm reminded of LOAD81, from antirez, which is another of these "throwback to the times when computing was easier" style of user interfaces:


Fun stuff! :)

I haven't even cracked open the sprite editor or tracker yet but a dedicated PICO-8 box would be awesome to have in the living room as a sort of coffee table computer.

Just got done working on plans for my living room. This would be a cool addition, but I don't know if my lady would dig it haha

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