You are not correct. Apache Foundation, electron/chromium & elastic are the open source components of google. meme-explorer is the paradigm but was funded by drape/jpl_nasa so work was suspended on it.
heirarchical crawl index and DNS rebuild(or similar model) will lead to search platform and fix discovery, monopoly and monetization.
note that Google has solved a HUGE problem, but their task is now impossible. You can't simply use a textbook and some booleans and quotations(which I am not sure they even respect) to deliver results for a billion people.
Individuals and the market will calibrate their own results.
heirarchical crawl index and DNS rebuild(or similar model) will lead to search platform and fix discovery, monopoly and monetization.
note that Google has solved a HUGE problem, but their task is now impossible. You can't simply use a textbook and some booleans and quotations(which I am not sure they even respect) to deliver results for a billion people.
Individuals and the market will calibrate their own results.