Why would someone put a tor server behind cloudflare in the first place? If you are using cloud flare, you are using it to protect yourself from abuse (DDOS, etc). Doesn't allow GET requests mean you can DDOS things behind cloudflare then?
I'm skeptical that cloud flare can somehow be roped into 'corporate censorship' -- they IMHO clearly were not founded or intended to enable some sort of nefarious intent. Quite the opposite in fact.
TLDR: The title of this article is dubious or even trolling
Running an onion service behind CF (apart from being basically impossible) would lose many of the useful features of onion services. The topic being discussed is accessing clearnet websites hosted behind CF using Tor. Speaking personally, I've had to solve endless amounts of Captcha every fucking day. It actually makes me reconsider how important the site I'm trying to view is, because CF is trying to make it hard for me to read information anonymously.
This isn't what anyone except you is talking about. The issue is being unable to access CF secured clearnet websites using the Tor Browser Bundle (or any other way to route your traffic through Tor).
> I'm skeptical that cloud flare can somehow be roped into 'corporate censorship' -- they IMHO clearly were not founded or intended to enable some sort of nefarious intent. Quite the opposite in fact.
The fact that CloudFlare makes it challenging for users from a particular network to access common resources is, in itself, a form of censorship. This is especially problematic due to the nature of people who tend to use Tor, i.e. those who seek some level of anonymity for various reasons. I don't believe CloudFlare is malicious or intends to block legitimate Tor users. But it is censorship nonetheless, hence the title.