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I think the general trend is that computers start to understand and be aware of physical world, rather than just numbers entried by humans. And not just understand, but manipulate, which means that you can go to forest and run forest.foreach(tree => { if(tree.length > 5) cut() }) I.e the world becomes computable (or rather manipulatable).

The trend seems to be more to insert humans into an automation process - e.g. mechanical turk, amazon package fulfillment, uber, etc.

The world is already this way, just not accessible in such a concise and precise manner. When you ask a lumberjack to cut down all trees greater than 5 meters tall, you're effectively doing the same thing as in your example. The execution model, runtime, etc are not the same, but the point still stands.

Yup, that's true, but computers also used to be people who did computing.

Indeed, and that was my main point. "Computing" in a general sense is as fundamental as any physical law (if one wants to make a distinction between those). We have reduced computing to its essence, and are now building up complex systems in a "rational" way. The Universe already "knew" about the essence of computing, and just let things happen.

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