My wife and I are pretty sure that we're not going to stay here in Innsbruck after this summer (not positive yet, but it's likely).
So... we're starting to think about "where?!". We have a child on the way, and I've "done my time" in the bay area. I'd rather have a smaller chance at making a successful startup than deal with that rat-race again.
Our preference is for somewhere livable, with a decent climate, "mid-sized" (say 100K-500K), with a university, and some topography (dead flat places need not apply:-).
How's Boulder, Colorado? Santa Fe, NM? Boulder's sort of up there on my list. I like Southern Oregon a lot too (Ashland), but it doesn't offer much in the way of job opportunities. My wife is in biotech, so someplace that offers something for her is high priority too (once again, the bay area would be good, but... not with a kid, and having to drive everywhere).
Anyone got a favorite mid-sized town that might not easily pop up on the radar, that more or less fits the bill?
Incidentally, this doesn't have to be in the US. We would be in Padova, Italy if everything else were equal, but the political and economic situation in Italy is not pretty right now. A romance language would probably be easier to deal with (indeed, I'm looking at an opportunity in Portugal).
Thanks guys,