> I don't understand why Google has this reputation. Android is OSS, but that's a fairly recent addition, and it's not really played up very much.
In addition to AOSP, Chromium (and Chromium OS) are open source; while App Engine isn't, the App Engine SDK is, and Google has supported an open-source reimplementation of App Engine. Dart is open source, as is Go. And a lot of other stuff.
Well I don't think that Google really advertises itself under the OSS banner (and certainly not Libre/Free). And when compared to Apple, as the other poster did, I don't really see that Google is doing much more open source other than Android.
They definitely did advertise themselves with the motto "Do No Evil," which they dropped some time ago, but open source hasn't really been a part of Google's DNA. Google's extensive use of open source software without publishing their modifications is exactly the reason that AGPL was invented.
Oops, thanks for the correction! This was a bad memory. I can find no support to back up my claim, and though Alphabet has a different phrasing of it, that did not happen in the time frame I falsely recalled.
In addition to AOSP, Chromium (and Chromium OS) are open source; while App Engine isn't, the App Engine SDK is, and Google has supported an open-source reimplementation of App Engine. Dart is open source, as is Go. And a lot of other stuff.