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> consumption not in moderation will lead to unwelcomed results

The whole point of these studies is to define the line between "too much", "in moderation", and "not enough". Saying "everything in moderation" is the equivalent of answering "when should I start worrying about my radiation dose" with "when it's too much". Technically correct, practically useless.

So say the question is alcohol consumption. Science knows the ld50 for alcohol . Science could say 1 drink a week is too much for you . However much of that logic deals with the "average man" not "you" . Your level of moderation could be calculated by direct observation of you, but I doubt anyone would stand for that sort of nonsense in today's science . So how much salt , sugar , or fat is to much ? It depends on many factors , much like how much alcohol you can consume before you "feel intoxicated" . There is a legal standard, in many countries,for how much alcohol you can have in your system before you are a burden on the state . Ie are you so dunk you will crash your car and cause harm to your self and to others or property... Back to my point you may not fit the legal parameters for being "too drunk to drive" because you can drink 10 beers before "you" feel drunk or the inverse one beer and you need a nap . Again this is based on averages as well as a social standard of acceptability on what we as a community governing the law feels is acceptable . So how does this relate to salt,fat, or sugar . It's quite simple it's too much salt in your diet does not make you potential harm your self or others in the short term like alcohol would . The same could be said about sugar , and fat . To be honest I should say something like I eat 2 lbs of sugar coated bacon each day with a fifth of bourbon and I am well over 85 . But in any case you will vote be down either way .

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