Well the idea is that you use the fingerprint sensor on your phone to login while browsing with your phone. You can have a fingerprint sensor on your laptop. Alternativly these could also be cheap external devices that you connect over USB, NFC or Bluetooth LE (their are already standards for this).
They would really like if all devices had some kind of UAF sensor built in.
Cool, bit of googling and found 'FIDO U2F Security Key' (USB) for £5 I expect those will turn up in our local supermarkets pretty soon.
Someone should give these hardware keys a better name. E.g. your "Privacy Lock" or something similar. Much easier to explain than a "FIDO U2F" ... whatever those letters all jumbled together mean.
They would really like if all devices had some kind of UAF sensor built in.
You can get U2F devices for about 15$.