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> As sonar and radar technology improved, the once effective dazzle camouflage was rendered obsolete.

If Silent Hunter III is at all reflective of reality, WWII U-boats didn't use either radar or sonar for torpedo targeting either, though unlike WWI boats they did have the benefit of an analogue targeting computer which took input from the periscopes and UZO ("U-boat targeting optic", the equivalent of a computer-linked periscope for surface attacks).

They slowly started to have them, at the end of the war, but they weren't that popular: using the radar reveals the sub's position, nullifying its stealth advantage.

There were also acoustic torpedoes, and all subs had passive sonar (the one you can listen to, I'm sure it's in SH3). The XXI supposedly had an active sonar for torpedo targeting, but Germany had barely started making them at the end of the war, and again using it is like yelling your position.

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