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I Was the Most Wanted Man in China (lithub.com)
152 points by lermontov on Feb 16, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 24 comments

Thanks for the archive.is link: impressively, it's not yet blocked here in China.

Up for me. Chromium 47, in Seattle. wget pulls the article in ~300ms.

I get " ERROR 503: Service Unavailable: Back-end server is at capacity." as of Tue Feb 16 23:07:18 UTC 2016

FANG Lizhi passed away in 2012, I don't understand why they put "February 11, 2016 By Fang Lizhi" at the author field, very misleading.


Because the work was written by Fang Lizhi, and was just posted a few days ago. Books are still referred to by their publish date even if they're published posthumously. Why should web articles not be attributed the same way?

But this isn’t a published work; rather, it’s an excerpt from a previously published work.

The book was published (in English, at least) just this month, according to most sources I could find.

Excellently written article. Rather amusing too. But I'm left feeling that I don't actually know how this resolved.

(edit: remove dumb question)

Yah, I had to read elsewhere to figure out what happened. It's basically an account of what his actions were that led to his exile. A lot of the After has been written about elsewhere, except the parts related to the central government's behind the scenes actions.

After that evening, the hubbub died down. In the coming months, he talked politics with some students, some of whom eventually became leaders of the Tienanmen Square protests. He was never a planner, never a protester, nada. However, when he saw that the Chinese Government started cracking down hard, he realized he was going to be scapegoated for his essays a few months prior, and went into the US embassy. He had been declared the most wanted person even though he had little to do with the actual protests.

Looks like it's an excerpt from a book

Random question unrelated to article content: is it just me or does Lithub seem to be everywhere (on HN) as of very recently?

I noticed the same thing with gwern posts. I assume what happens is HNers see a random article on the front page, like it, and start browsing the sites archives for other interesting articles. Then they submit them to HN and the process repeats itself.

I’ve noticed it becomes relatively easy to anticipate which articles will reach the front page once I’ve started reading the trending sites. However, I wonder whether there’s any way to anticipate which sites will begin to trend on the front page. My first instinct is that it’s just a matter of circumstance, of one person sharing one article from a non-trending site that trends on the front page. In practice, however, it’s hard for me to believe that such a small event could decide whether or not a story gets covered by a more mainstream site after a journalist finds it—I’ve been seeing quite a few references to Hacker News articles as of late in mainstream news articles. It could be that Hacker News really is the initial component in starting news trends.

Gwern was for a while submitting one article to HN every week and most of them seemed to make the front page. Maybe that's what you're recalling? It was some time ago, though.

Even then, his articles from the distant past would show up on HN, which I attribute to the phenomena mentioned in my original post.

It's less than a year old (launched April 8 2015), which could explain why you've only recently seen it:


You can click the domain name under the title and look at all submissions from them, they just had a big one yesterday it seems

I am a Chinese. Obviously I don't think Dr Fang is an enemy.

Obviously he is not an enemy of the Chinese people, but the enemy of the Party.

Dr. Fang was revered by some for his achievements, but no doubt his departure to an "enemy" country at the time would absolutely make him a public enemy...

He is a great scientist. I think he is a bit naive in politics. Maybe going to US was what he wanted and was good for him. Nobody knows.

I'm getting a white screen of death ... perhaps they really want to be like Github, downtime and all ;)

Edit: 503 Service Unavailable: Back-end server is at capacity ... ouch!

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