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That is quite cool. The others mentioned below are good as well, but all have a fairly clunky and web based interface.

I suppose I'm looking for a 'Ok Google, what can I make with peas, a poussin, and half an empty can of Doctor Pepper?'

Now that would be cool.

Splay and place the poussin in a little oil to braise (if garlic is available, slice thinly and insert between skin and meat), skin side down, just enough oil to cover the skin surface exposed to the heating side of the pot. Until skin turns slightly brownish.


Season - salt & peppa, and if they have thyme

Turn again, leave until skin is crispy.

Warm plate.

Turn again, add 'half empty can of Doctor Pepper' to deglaze pot, leading to the syrup to stick to the chicken underside.


Peas served freshly boiled, assuming fresh and sweet peas. Plate.

Now thats a service!

I may even try it...

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