That is more or less all that I crave. With two caveats:
- updated once per hour or manually
Seems as if this would be generally good enough, but some sort of push integration would be awesome
- EE only
The dealbreaker. I understand. It makes sense to feature-gate stuff. But my entirely personal situation is that the company enforces TFS. I (and quite some coworkers) would prefer GitLabs features. But there's just no way for me to ask for a budget. What for? "Replace TFS"? Not gonna happen. A C"C works fine, everyone's convinced that we should go for GitLab only" might work. Perhaps. But that's impossible at the moment, I guess.
1. I agree that push integration would be awesome. Consider contributing it.
2. Thanks for understanding. Please consider emailing sales@ company domain to see if there are possibilities. If you are working for a large organization we can maybe do an extended trial. Please reference this comment in your email.
The repository of EE is publicly readable and customers have a license they can use for development for EE.
We've had customers contribute EE-specific features and changes several times in the past. In one case, CERN contributed improvements to certain EE-exclusive authentication options.
- updated once per hour or manually
Seems as if this would be generally good enough, but some sort of push integration would be awesome
- EE only
The dealbreaker. I understand. It makes sense to feature-gate stuff. But my entirely personal situation is that the company enforces TFS. I (and quite some coworkers) would prefer GitLabs features. But there's just no way for me to ask for a budget. What for? "Replace TFS"? Not gonna happen. A C"C works fine, everyone's convinced that we should go for GitLab only" might work. Perhaps. But that's impossible at the moment, I guess.