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Thanks for participating in the community discussions.

I have a question/comment in terms of the UI that GitLab provides for developers.

Are there any plans to add a customizable dashboard for gitlab? Think social media sites like twitter/fb/g+. They all have notification numbers over the icons signalling the amount of new emails/messages etc.. gitlab needs the option to add these to the sidepanel!

It would be so darn useful to have say, 5 extra icon counters for whatever project/merge request search filters one is currently using.

e.g. 2 extra sidepanel contexts showing

- big red '5' counter on icon for merge requests with author bob, on project xyz. Because bob made 5 comments on merge requests on project xyz

- big red '2' counter on icon for merge requests with author karen, bob or steve on project abc. ditto as above.

I think extra 'tweakability' features like this for Gitlab's UI would make it easier to manage complex development environments where its necessary to keep an eye on many different scopes around a project. and have the abliity to evolve the dashboard's info display over the projects lifetime as 'hotspots' of attention need to be shifted around to different service codebases and team members.

thanks again

Douglas is currently working on a 'todo' feature that will have an icon signalling the items you still need to respond to , see https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/2425

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