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Let us not forget their inability to write a flash plugin that doesn't freeze / stutter while playing video in current firefox and safari on a new macbook pro with tons of available ram and cpu. Their ceo is a liar -- if he actually used a macbook pro as his daily machine as he claimed on tech crunch, he'd be screaming at people on his engineering team until they fixed this.

I worked there ... lots of people are using Macs inside Adobe, including people in upper-management.

I also own a 2 year old MacBook Pro, and while I did had some problems with some badly written advertisements, in general Flash works fine (including video on Youtube) ... although HD content is not rendered as well as on my home Windows box ... but it's watchable ... I watched The Office on Hulu and it was OK ;)

This whole thing reminds of the browser wars, only now it's between 3 camps ... the freetards, Adobe's fanboys and Apple's fanboys. I found myself to be in all 3 camps, depending on my mood :)

He probably uses a flash blocker, like the rest of us.

I'm not a fan of Flash, but all the gripes about Mac performance are strange to me, since it has never been apparent on my MBP or the MacBook I used before that.

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