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    > Hyperpedantically, "SQL" is an initialism, but not an
    > acronym
I really wish people would stop posting this - I feel like I only ever see it posted here, too.

OED's first entry on "acronym, n":

    > A group of initial letters used as an abbreviation for 
    > a name or expression, each letter or part being
    > pronounced separately; an initialism (such as ATM, TLS)
OED's second entry on "acronym, n":

    >  A word formed from the initial letters of other words
    > or (occas.) from the initial parts of syllables taken 
    > from other words, the whole being pronounced as a single
    > word (such as NATO, RADA)
OED's entry on "initialism, n":

    > The use of initials; a significative group of initial
    > letters. Now spec. a group of initial letters used as
    > an abbreviation for a name or expression, each letter
    > or part being pronounced separately
SQL is both an acronym and an initialism. The Wikipedia article on "initialism" it is guilty of using very selective quotes in its "citation".

this is awesome. this is why i read the comments before the content. (and I mean this whole thread) thanks

So SQL is an acronym for an acronym?

SQL is an abbreviated acronym.

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