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NY Public Library Releases 670k Images (nypl.org)
118 points by howon92 on Feb 8, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

FYI: about 190k of these pictures are public domain respectively without known copyright protection.

Link for searching these pictures: http://digitalcollections.nypl.org/search/index?utf8=%E2%9C%...

You can even order prints. Seems like a good way for the library to make extra money. I wonder just how much profit they would make though.

As for downloading the images, take this one (http://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/70925be8-ec11-c85b-...) for example. I find it bizarre why the 3 options I have are:

1. 11KB in size (jpg 300px) 2. 61KB in size (jpg 760px) 3. 81MB in size (tiff 4884 × 5572 pixels)

They could save some bandwidth and disk space if they didn't jump straigh to an 81MB tiff. Maybe some 1k px or 2k px? I'm not a photo expert but I wonder why they made the decision.

EDIT: Looks like my view of download options are available differs picture to picture. Some do have extra options, some don't.

Very nice! I also liked "documenting America". Photo's about American life between 1935 and 1944.


Anyone using these to build interesting visualizations or applications?

http://publicdomain.nypl.org/ is a good starting point for exploring some of the projects and research around these collections.

Awesome, just wish the viewer was better. Like being able to click on the right or left hand side of the photo you are viewing to go to the next one would be a real treat. #Lazy

I was originally trying to figure out if these images were HUGE (670K >>> 4K) or compressed beyond recognition ...

I just downloaded about 10 images from different topics and all of them are available as .tiff and 8/10 with a resolution of >2000px

Right, but that would be 2K. Anyway, was just an observation that, at least my brain, doesn't see 'k' as a count when attached to images but as a size.

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