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I want to add to that. So consider the United States (assuming you live in the US). Do you consider it just a vessel for your opinions? Do you agree with and support everything the United States does? I'm going to assume you said no to that (if yes, then I'm arguing with a crazy person). And do you think any one person in the United States agrees with everything the United States government does? It would be extremely unlikely if it does happen, and even if it does happen, the US government has the possibility of veering away from that person. This is because the US government is a distinct entity formed when the mob of people come together. Unlike your computer, it does not act exactly as you do.

Remember the focus is not on the company, it's on what the company creates when it is a formation of a bunch of people. It creates a distinct entity which usually ends up being a compromise of its constituents wishes. People act differently in a group, they can lose their humanity, and usually there's less responsibility for misdeeds. This thing the mob creates should in no way be treated on the same level as any individual constituent of it. This is because, as I have tried to show you, it is not simply a vessel of any single human being.

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